
Sunday 18th July – Week 6 Day 5 [Day 30] LAST DAY OF EXCAVATION
National Archaeology Day 2. Weather again excellent. Again streams of people turning up for tours of the site, mock excavations, view the finds etc. Bryn Walters and around 60-70 member of the Association for Roman Archaeology (Association for Roman Archaeology, 75 York Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 2JU, for membership ) turned up for the second site tour of the day.
Neil, who was discussing soil particle size analysis, and not being able to choose the colour of a soil type from the Munsell colour charts he quipped he was having a “Munsell moment” that was when …. “In 1996, whilst putting in roads for a new housing estate……..” boomed out from Pete. : Well, after yesterday’s relentless repetition of the above words, Neil’s eyes clouded over and he went quietly insane.
“I don’t want to do this anymore”, he said, with a slight madness flickering in his eyes 
“I don’t want to be an archaeologist anymore. I want to be the King of Confectionery and create the best sweets in the world. No longer will people queue to buy Quality Street and Roses for Christmas. They will be drawn inexorably toward the pinnacle of the confectionery world – ……and these delicious morsels will be known as “Munsell Moments” ……..and each sweet will be wrapped in a colour chart with which you have to match with the coating of the sweet.” |
Well, that gave us a laugh and helped us through the 8 other site tours. 
A late find on our last day of recording!!

The two National Archaeology Days seemed a great success and a fitting culmination to the six weeks excavation and recording – to the highest standards – of part of a scheduled monument, the volunteer program, the schools education program, the trainee archaeologist program, the community program, the visitors able to ask from the viewing platform the working archaeologists what it was all about. It all worked. And again I would like to thank EH and SBC for their innovative use of this rich and rewarding resource (which I’m sure will have raised a few eyebrows in the archaeological world),Kat and Neil for being in “deep room” with me, the rest of the bunch for being great fun and Dr. Pete Wilson for all thoses site tours that we had to overhear 
And for those of you who are, quite rightly, interested in the reports for excavations can I pass on that although the schedule for Post-excavation still being finalised, it is hoped that Assessment be completed by March 2005, and Analysis by March 2006.
Anyway that’s the dig over with, and I am released from the curse of the Dig Diary
I hope you enjoyed the reports as much as I enjoyed working on the site.
Designed by Corinne Mills 2005
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