Once registered, you can have access to all areas. So what is inside the forums there? Well, the administration areas will give you up to date information regarding both the forum and the site. Also you can use this section to give any suggestions for the main site. The main Time Team forum is split into five sections: 01 – Time Team: Here you can find and discuss all things Time Team related. There is also a virtual episode being inputted. If you register you could enter the next scene. 02 – Big Roman Dig: This was setup to coincide with this years live event. 03 – Links: Provides links to pages with photographs, and areas of anything episode related. 04 – Airings: Updated every couple of days, you can find at a minimum of 1 weeks listing, which was laboriously entered by one of our moderators. 05 – Time Team Quiz: Here is where the quiz on the site first originated from. In the general section, you can introduce yourself to our friendly community. It is also here you can discuss other shows for example The Worst Jobs in history or the Da Vinci Code. It is also in this section where you can find Phil Harding’s place. Our virtual pub. Strange things have happened in here, including some talks of a Roman Road that members have stumbled upon, but I personally think they got drunk in there. In the episodes section there are 13 forums, one for each series and a separate one for the specials. Every episode is listed, and you like others, could voice your opinion of what you thought about a particular episode. Along with Venicones forum, I also have created TTFF forums for you all. I’m not distracting you away from venicones forum as I think she’s done a wonderful job here, but it’s there for you to use if you so wish. Thanks to the Admin here who has allowed me to place updates of my site to this thread.