Time Team Forum Friends :: View topic – Rogue emails

i get loads all the time on a couple of addresses that are prone to a bit of Spam and most of the banks crop up, Lloyds, NatWest, Barclays/Woolwich and especially Halifax plus occasional US banks and services like eBay. they are mostly pretty obvious as they are usually terribly written and mostly fit a handful of usual patterns. Typical is a subtle threat to frighten you, such as closing your account down in 48hrs. Also many are not text but a single image with the logo (perhaps with slightly off typography and corporate colours) and message all on the embedded email image which is clickable to the phishing link. The url address on the message looks pretty ok and official but that is only a fake and if you check bottom left on your browser you’ll see the real url it is pointing too – often random letters or a numeric only IP address. eBay and Barclays have well signalled links to their anti-fraud pages and their email address for reporting suspicions; I don’t know about others. The login page for Barclays has a big square box at the top of the page for this and if you look they have a big page of examples of spoof messages and a page showing how to check the digital certificate of the web site. There isn’t too much point reporting spoof styles they already know about. They are of course time-wasting which is my biggest gripe._________________
