rar is a compressed file similar to a zip file (I think it stands for R… Archive). Save it to your hard disk and try opening it with winzip, if that works just unzip it as normal. If it doens’t then you’ll need to download an un-rar utility.
Most of them appear to be either pay to download or shareware utils, but http://www.filegate.net/utiln/utilwin/unrarw32.exe is free and claims to do the job.
If it doesn’t, download the shareware program from http://www.pewtersoftware.com/winunrar.html that allows you to extract up to 5 files free. After that tell the person who sent you them to use a free, compatible standard archiving fomrat like zip or buy you a full copy of a rar program (varying from about $12 to about $30 afaict). Chris_________________Wanted: 1 signature. Must be witty or insightful (both would be beneficial) and willing to appear with URL below. Hours: 24/7, pay: none.
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