Time Team Forum Friend – Gary Harker

I was born paralysed from the waist down. I first become interested in history and archaeology when my school took a group of us charioteers (wheelchairs) to West Kennett Long Barrow and Stonehenge. I was 8 at the time and the barrow was the most frightening place I had ever been too but at the same time I also felt at home. Ever since then I have been reading and learning as much as I can. I have been watching Time Team from the very beginning – I was hooked from the start.

I’m not married and live with my parents in Eastleigh Hampshire. I work for a company that repairs computer monitors. I don’t have my own car so I don’t get to see to many good archaeological sites

I like reading and I spend a lot of time on my computer which I have not had for long. One of the first things I did was look up TT on the web – that’s were I found the forum, at first I just saw what was going on then I started to post the odd comment. I mainly post at weekends as I work in the week. This is the first sort of club I have ever joined see if I make mistakes be gentle with me, I hope to make friends here.

Some people might find my humour a bit on the tough side but I have had to fight all my life for life and my humour reflects that. I hope can bring something to this forum as well as get enjoyment from it.

Special Interest Areas

I am interested mainly in the Roman Egyptian and the Iron Age and the Napoleonic period. I also like the biblical period
