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Pam’s Time Team Experience I arrived at the site 9 am in bright sunshine and blue skies. It was only 8 miles from home and took just 12 mins to get there – nice lie in for me ! I wasn’t nervous at all, probably because I knew all the other local diggers from previous local digs so I didn’t feel like I was heading in there ‘on my own’. I also already knew Brendan, the Director, as I spent two weeks with him in July when he filmed an excavation for a TT documentary special (the ‘secret site’). I had hardly got out of the car in the car park when Steve ‘Sas’ Shearn came over and introduced himself !! Everyone was pretty relaxed and friendly. At first there was a lot of standing about, as we waited for geophiz to pinpoint where the first trenches were going. I eventually got a job in Matt Williams’ trench. When Matt was whisked off on day 2 to take part in a ‘cameo’ Raksha Dave took over the trench. It was just like a normal dig, other than the interuptions when the crew came round with either Tony or Mick to film a scene. Filming scenes was frustratingly time consuming at times as they have to take shots from different angles, etc. I often had to stay crouched down for ages trowelling the same spot – for continuity purposes – when all I wanted to do was get on with my next job !!

The catering was excellent – 3 choices of hot meal and 2 choices of pud for lunch, plus tea/coffee and biscuits at break and sandwiches in the afternoon ! On day three I spent an entire teabreak chatting to Stewart Ainsworth about Land Rovers – he had spotted my natty alloy wheels and road-biased tyres and disapproved most stongly !!
