You see, that is why I get on better with children.
I don’t mind explaining to a 7 year old that ”No, we are not actually building here, but digging up something built a long time ago by the Romans”, rather than answer the question from somebody who has had the benefit of a full state education and really should know better :-
“How do you know that this isn’t a hoax placed here by the developers because they ran out of money, my friends girlfriends cousin worked on this site and that’s what he said”
Well there were a couple of things I found difficult to believe: First, that he had a friend: Second, that if he did have a friend, this friend had a girlfriend. Thirdly if the friend did have a girlfriend – why wasn’t she going out with her cousin?
Anyway I brought home a little light reading tonight EH – Centre for Archaeology’s Recording Manual special attention to module 3 “Recording Deposits and Cuts” and within that, getting to grips with controlled vocabulary a bit different from the MoLAS recording stuff.
“Deep Room” Polished to a high gleam
East Wall
Beautifully cleaned for recording
East wall, 2 metre and 1 metre scales
South wall
with evidence of another blocked up feature (check out the line running down through the coursework)
Cleaned for recording
NE shot
Further back
West wall
all cuts, steps etc are all ours for access and safety you can see there is still a lot of infill to remove another year
West Wall
Recording the blocked up doorway/window/niche
Wish me luck
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