Groundwell Ridge Dig Diary by Chris Walker

Saturday 10th July – Week 5 Day 4 [Day 24]

Planning and recording the wooden feature until lunchtime. Then pack the timber with the clay that was excavated from around it and backfilled to protect it for future excavations. In a way heartbreaking after 5 ½ weeks, but then again secure for the future.

I was really touched that Kat and Neil put a label in the clay with their initials AND mine, even though I was away with school kids at the time when the timber was found. Thanks guys, that meant a lot.

Neil Holbrook (Cotswold Archaeology, and site director for last years Time Team Big Dig) was onsite today and I think was more impressed with the site than he was last year.

Just goes to show.

Other news on the site. The cold plunge pool with the semi-circular apse and tiled floor has….
Another tiled floor about 30cm below . Making the lowest floor an earlier phase.

Plunge pool
showing tiled floor

Plunge pool
Showing earlier floor surface

Plunge pool
another angle

This bathhouse is proving, all ends up, to be a multi-phased site, the timber floor member that we preserved and backfilled, probably providing the date for the earliest phase. This has been really rewarding site.
