Recording your finds to your FLO by email |
Some FLO’s have accepted emailed submissions of finds from finders – but in a variety of formats. This format should ONLY be used where you have NO access to a FLO.
In order to standardise the way this happens and to make it available for all users of PAS and all FLO’s, a word document which can be completed and emailed your FLO has been formulated to send your find details together with images to your FLO.
The Central Unit at the Portable Antiquities Scheme has checked and agreed this form before release
Descriptions, dimensions etc. need to be done in full. Full NGRs are recommended, but voluntary. You must also include quality images as detailed below.
- Finds code – in header section (double click to open it) – your own personal record number(see also note on Images below)
- Information sent to PAS on – the date form sent
- National Grid Ref (8fig) – quote actual NGR
- National Grid Ref – quote the NGR you want shown on the public database
- Name of Finder – your name
- Address – your address
- Tel – your phone number
- Type of Find – tick relevant box
- Type of Material – tick relevant box
- Depth of find – tick relevant box
- Ground Type – tick relevant box
- Is the find part of a group?- Yes or no
- Other finds in group (numbers) – specify numbers found
- General Description – describe the find in as much detail as possible – example here
- Width – specify
- Length – specify
- Weight – specify
- Diameter – specify
- Images attached from all angles and including scale? (required) – yes or no
- Map attached? (optional) – yes or no
The most important point is making sure that if you are submitting images, that they have a scale, and that all angles are photographed.
Images must be a minimum of 400 x 400 pixels and be at least 300dpi. These images must be emailed as a separate attachment to the form and not embedded into it.
However you may want to save a further form with your images and maps inserted for your own records
You should name your images the same as your finds record number to make the FLO’s life a bit easier – i.e.:
Record Number 006
attachment: 006.jpg
If the image is taken by an individual who is not covered by the Scheme’s remit, then they retain the copyright. PAS ask the owner of the image for the rights to publish online, and will attribute copyright to them.
They make no money from image licenses.
NB. This is the result of liaison between Phil Dunning , Corinne and PAS