Author: Alberto Pearson

Time Team Forum Friends :: View topic – what makes a good museum?

Hi All, I think it depends what you expect or want from the museum – if you want to know about local heritage and what ‘made’ the town then our museum certainly covers that. Our local museum is by no means grand so has good and bad points to it, the most astonishing of which I discovered recently was that it loaned (if not given) articacts to the British Museum. I don’t know much about museum ettiquette, but I have never been to the British museum (yet – I know, I know) so don’t know if the finds are of extraordinary importance or what the relevance of them is. The local castle has recently been ‘re-excavated’ the discoveries and outcomes of which, I found in a back room, tucked on the top floor at the back of the building with very little detail as to how, for example, the excavations were carried out. Perhaps this is because the ‘average’ tourist isn’t bothered, but that’s one heck of an assumption to make. The museum itself tends to focus more on artefacts from Egypt discovered in someone’s front room about 50 years ago. The rest, maps and local tools and equipment used by the Police and local seamstresses. Overall, not wholly my cup of tea, but then as I’ve said, it depends what your cup of tea is

Time only matters, when it’s running out…

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Time Team Forum Friends :: View topic – Aerial Photography

I suspect there is as much art to science in this and that you use any trick going depending on type of structure, local geology, the season and the climate. low angle is certainly one, but winter and summer sunrise/set are 90 degrees apart so a different view is possible. differential melting of the morning frost for just a short window sounds such a trick too. but also important are parch and crop marks; differential growth of a crop to show ploughed out ditches which will occur at some variable time according to the crop in question. in drought summers like 1976 and more recent years then dry and moist areas of grasslands show parch marks clearly (good for stone walls). I have a feeling that the Dorset Cursus most of which is invisible from the ground can best be seen from the air in the fresh plough soil with a chalky stripe for the bank and a dark stripe for the ditch against a speckled background.

other things just need an aeroplane whatever, such as the Nasca desert figures and Masada Roman forts to see them nicely. (actually a cable car does nicely for the later…) see

good for a big laugh as it’s a ‘hairy’ experience…

Time Team Forum Friends :: View topic – Aerial Photography

I suspect there is as much art to science in this and that you use any trick going depending on type of structure, local geology, the season and the climate. low angle is certainly one, but winter and summer sunrise/set are 90 degrees apart so a different view is possible. differential melting of the morning frost for just a short window sounds such a trick too. but also important are parch and crop marks; differential growth of a crop to show ploughed out ditches which will occur at some variable time according to the crop in question. in drought summers like 1976 and more recent years then dry and moist areas of grasslands show parch marks clearly (good for stone walls). I have a feeling that the Dorset Cursus most of which is invisible from the ground can best be seen from the air in the fresh plough soil with a chalky stripe for the bank and a dark stripe for the ditch against a speckled background.

other things just need an aeroplane whatever, such as the Nasca desert figures and Masada Roman forts to see them nicely. (actually a cable car does nicely for the later…) see

good for a big laugh as it’s a ‘hairy’ experience…

Time Team Forum Friends :: View topic – Aerial Photography

I suspect there is as much art to science in this and that you use any trick going depending on type of structure, local geology, the season and the climate. low angle is certainly one, but winter and summer sunrise/set are 90 degrees apart so a different view is possible. differential melting of the morning frost for just a short window sounds such a trick too. but also important are parch and crop marks; differential growth of a crop to show ploughed out ditches which will occur at some variable time according to the crop in question. in drought summers like 1976 and more recent years then dry and moist areas of grasslands show parch marks clearly (good for stone walls). I have a feeling that the Dorset Cursus most of which is invisible from the ground can best be seen from the air in the fresh plough soil with a chalky stripe for the bank and a dark stripe for the ditch against a speckled background.

other things just need an aeroplane whatever, such as the Nasca desert figures and Masada Roman forts to see them nicely. (actually a cable car does nicely for the later…) see

good for a big laugh as it’s a ‘hairy’ experience…

Time Team Forum Friends :: View topic – Aerial Photography

I suspect there is as much art to science in this and that you use any trick going depending on type of structure, local geology, the season and the climate. low angle is certainly one, but winter and summer sunrise/set are 90 degrees apart so a different view is possible. differential melting of the morning frost for just a short window sounds such a trick too. but also important are parch and crop marks; differential growth of a crop to show ploughed out ditches which will occur at some variable time according to the crop in question. in drought summers like 1976 and more recent years then dry and moist areas of grasslands show parch marks clearly (good for stone walls). I have a feeling that the Dorset Cursus most of which is invisible from the ground can best be seen from the air in the fresh plough soil with a chalky stripe for the bank and a dark stripe for the ditch against a speckled background.

other things just need an aeroplane whatever, such as the Nasca desert figures and Masada Roman forts to see them nicely. (actually a cable car does nicely for the later…) see

good for a big laugh as it’s a ‘hairy’ experience…
