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The times are not correct! The times are almost certainly correct; however, what you may be seeing are times displayed in a timezone different from the one you are in. If this is the case, you should change your profile setting for the timezone to match your particular area, e.g. London, Paris, New York, Sydney,…Continue…
The times are not correct! The times are almost certainly correct; however, what you may be seeing are times displayed in a timezone different from the one you are in. If this is the case, you should change your profile setting for the timezone to match your particular area, e.g. London, Paris, New York, Sydney,…Continue…
Ourpasthistory.com Image Gallery :: The Antonine Wall Legionary distance slabs :: rib2197finished
Found at Castlehill,Bearsden 1847 rendered IMP C T AELIO HADRIANO ANTONINO AVG PIO P P VEX LEG XX V V P P III Translates as ” For the Emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius, Father of this Country, a detachment of the Twentieth Valerian and Victorius legion (completed the Wall) over a distance…Continue…
Ourpasthistory.com Image Gallery :: The Antonine Wall Legionary distance slabs :: rib_2206
Found at or near Old Kirkpatrick before 1695 IMP C T AELIO HADRIANO ANTONINO AVG P P VEX LEG VI VIC P F OPVS VALLI P MMM C XLI Translates as “For the Emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus, Father of his country , a detachment of the Sixth Victorious ,Loyal and Faithful Legion…Continue…
Ourpasthistory.com Image Gallery :: The Antonine Wall Legionary distance slabs :: rib_2204
Found at Carleith, Dunochter, before 1699 IMP ANTON AVG PIO P P LEG II AVG F P III CCLXXI Translates as ” For the Emperor Antonius Augustus Pius, Father of this country, the Second Augustan Legion completed 3271 feet (of the wall)” RIB- 2204, Greyish buff sandstone date: 139-6
Ourpasthistory.com Image Gallery :: The Antonine Wall Legionary distance slabs :: rib_2196
Found at Castlehill , Bearsden before 1698 IMP CAESAR T AELIO HADRIANO ANTONINO AVG PIO P P VEXILLATO LEG VI VICTR P F PER M P III DCLXVI S Translates as ” For the Emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius, Father of this country, a detachment of the Sixth Victorius, Loyal and Faithful…Continue…
Ourpasthistory.com Image Gallery :: The Antonine Wall Legionary distance slabs :: 2200done
Found at Braidfield Farm, Dunochter, 1812 rendered IMP C T AELIO HADRIANO ANTONINO AVG P P VEX LEG VI VICTRICS P F MMMCCXL F Translation: For the Emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus, Father of his Country, a detachment of the Sixth Victorious, Loyal and Faithful Legion completed rampart-work (over a distance of) 3240…Continue…
Ourpasthistory.com Image Gallery :: The Antonine Wall Legionary distance slabs :: 2139done
Bridgeness, West Lothian rendered IMP CAES TITO AELIO HADRI ANTONINO AVG PIO P P LEG II AVG PER M P IIII DCLII FEC Translates as “For the Emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius, father of his country, the Second Legion Augusta built (this work) for a distance of 4,652 paces.” RIB 2139 –…Continue…
Ourpasthistory.com Image Gallery :: The Antonine Wall Legionary distance slabs :: rib2185
Eastermains, Kirkintilloch c 1740 rendered IMP CAESARI T AELIO HADRIANO ANTONINO AVG PIO P P VEXILLA LEG VI VIC P F PER M P Translates as ” For the Emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius, Father of his country, the Sixth Victorious, Loyal and Faithful legioncompleted (the Wall) over a distance of …..thousand…Continue…
Ourpasthistory.com Image Gallery :: The Antonine Wall Legionary distance slabs :: new2193
Found at East Millichen, near Balmuildy, 1803 IMP CAES T AELIO HADR ANTONINO AVG PIO P P VEXILLA LEG VI VIC P F PER M P III DCLXVI S Translates as ” ” For the Emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius, Father of this country, the Sixth Victorius, Loyal and Faithful Legion (completed…Continue…
Ourpasthistory.com Image Gallery :: The Antonine Wall Legionary distance slabs :: rib2197finished
Found at Castlehill,Bearsden 1847 rendered IMP C T AELIO HADRIANO ANTONINO AVG PIO P P VEX LEG XX V V P P III Translates as ” For the Emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius, Father of this Country, a detachment of the Twentieth Valerian and Victorius legion (completed the Wall) over a distance…Continue…