I’ve just got this email from a friend in Bristol. I’m certainly interested, although I can’t do the 10th or 11th of September. Would anyone else be interested in a visit. It could easily be combined with perhaps the cathedral, a tour of the harbour, etc. Hi Just thought Id say that the Clifton Rocks railway is definetlly worth a visit if you get a chance. It’s pretty intresting. We were shown round by 2 of the people working on it and the air raid shelters and stuff they have down theres worth a look.
Their website is http://www.cliftonrocksrailway.org.uk/ and i’m sure if you e-mail someone on the contact us page you could arange a visit for your TTFF people if any of them are intrested.
Last edited by Chris_M on Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total