Time Team Forum Friends :: View topic – Cartridges for old printers

My mother-in-law has a third-hand printer (Canon BJC-620) Which is both perfectly adequate for her current needs and works like a dream. Only problem is, we can’t get hold of the cartridges any more. PCWorld, Staples etc stopped doing them a while back and now even my local independent (and brilliant) shop can’t get them. Oh well, we sighed philosophically, we’ll just have to buy a new printer – but the next problem is you can’t these days buy parallel port printers they’re all usb – and the computer doesn’t have one of those. My tame shop says it’s not possible to adapt the socket.

So now we’re faced with her having to buy a new computer and printer, the whole shebang, just because we can’t get the cartridges!!!

Have you guessed who I am yet?
