Time Team Forum Friends :: View topic – image renaming and resizing – a step by step guide

A step by step guide to how to rename and resize pictures: This guide is written for MS Windows users for the purposes of posting a small picture on the picture quiz thread that links to a full-size version. It can of course be applied to other situations as well. Throughout this guide I have used an example file name for the original photograph of London-Castle.jpg

The simplest way to do everything that is required is to use a photo editing program, e.g. Microsoft Photo Editor (which I think comes with MS Office), or GIMP (a very powerful free program – about | Download*).

Step 1: Load the program. Step 2: Load the image (e.g London-Castle.jpg) Step 3: Save a copy of the image under a new name (e.g. quiz-castle01.jpg): Chose “Save As” from the File menu. Make sure you set the file type to be JPEG in the drop-down box below where you chose the new file name. I recommend saving the copy in a temporary folder so you can easily find it later (I use c:\uploads) Step 4: Save another copy of the image – this one we will become the smaller size version. I reocomend you use the same filename as last time but with a prefix or suffix to show it is the smaller version (e.g. quiz-castle01sm.jpg) Step 5: Make the image smaller:

Photo Editor:

*Choose “resize” from the Image menu. *Change the units to “pixels” in the drop down menu.

*Make sure the “allow distortions” checkbox is not selected.

*Change the larger number to 640, the smaller one shoudl automatically change to 480 *Click OK *Save the image.


*Choose “Scale image” from the Image menu (or right click the image and choose Image -> Scale Image) *Make sure the chain to the right of the first two boxes with numbers shows three linked segments, not two separate ones. If it doesn’t, click on it to change it. *Make sure the box to the right of the chain says “pixels”. If it doesn’t, click on it and choose “pixels” from the drop down menu. *Change the larger number to 640, the smaller one should automaticallly change to 480. *Click Scale. *Save the image. Step 6: Close your photo editor and either upload the files (quiz-castle01.jpg and quiz-castle01sm.jpg) to your web space or email them to me. (If you email them to me, make sure you say that its for a quiz here, otherwise I’m likely to get confused!). Step 7: Post the picture on the thread. To display the small picture as a link to the big picture, use the following code (if you emailed the files to me, I will have told you the url):


[url=(url of big photo)][img](url of small photo)[/img][/url]




Chris_________________Wanted: 1 signature. Must be witty or insightful (both would be beneficial) and willing to appear with URL below. Hours: 24/7, pay: none.

My photos.
