For future crops it’s worth knowing that pinching out the tips of your broad bean plants when they get to about 3 feet high (assuming you’re not growing one of the short growing varieties) helps to prevent blackfly infestation. I’ve no idea why this works, but it does. Plus the tips are very good stir fried. Soapy water does work, but only on contact so you’d have to keep spraying to get any newly hatching beasties. There’s at least one organic insecticide on the market which uses ‘natural fatty acids’ (whatever they might be), but again it’s only a contact insecticide, and it’s not available as a concentrate, though you can make up something yourself using soft soap. (Word of warning though, don’t use either of these when the sun’s on the leaves, it will scorch. ) To be honest, the easiest way to get rid of the little blighters is a blast from the hosepipe when you’re watering. D’s right too, companion planting does help. Oh, and do everthing you can to encourage ladybirds and lacewings, they go through balckfly and greenfly like there’s no tomorrow!_________________