The excavations undertaken by Fife Council at Holly Road, Leven, have resulted in the identification and preservation (by record) of one of the most important Bronze Age archaeological sites in Scotland. Indeed, the results of this excavation will considerably extend our understanding of life in Bronze Age Scotland.
As Dr Alison Sheridan (Keeper of Archaeology, National Museums of Scotland) recently said in a lecture announcing the discoveries made at Holly Road, this site will “mark Leven as one of the most significant centres of prehistoric archaeology in Scotland”.
It is hoped that upon completion of the post-excavation analysis, the artefacts and materials excavated at this site will be awarded to Kirkcaldy Museum. However, all finds will be subject to the standard disposal procedures operated on behalf of the Crown in Scotland by the Queen’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer. That is to say that subject to the Scots laws of Trove and bona vacantia, the Queen’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer will allocate the artefacts recovered from the excavations to an appropriate museum after seeking advice from the Treasure Trove Advisory Panel.
The Archaeological Unit has already begun lobbying the Treasure Trove Advisory Panel for the finds from this site to be awarded to Fife Museums Central (Kirkcaldy Museum) and it is hoped that the first of a series of exhibitions in Central Fife on this site will be held shortly.
Discussions between Fife Council Planning Officers and Boyack Homes Ltd are continuing regarding ways to record or commemorate the site of this important site. Suggestions so far discussed include the erection of a monument or commemorative plaque on the excavation site. Plans are also being considered for interpretation boards for the site.